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    Anything-goes Roleplay

    The Gay Mod
    The Gay Mod

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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by H4xR0x Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:10 pm


    "Hahahahahahaha! Weapons can not hurt us fool!" Boomed Mannimarco's voice in Gabriel's head. "You need not to chide me why, I shall explain. In the old times of Adam and Eve, they were not surrendered to a god. The were surrendered to the world of the dead. Walking aimlessly for eternity. This happened throughout the centuries, the souls were stuck in Purgatory. Until your Lord opened the Gates of Heaven and let the "Chosen" in. The ones who strived for a better life in the after life. And for a time it was good. The souls went to where they needed to be. Until I rose in power. You see, your god's power is only determined by the followers he controls. If I have the souls then he does not control them. Thusly, he diminishes in power. For 1500 I did so. I collected souls, and used them to make me powerful. And you say that you can erase me from Eve's Beauty, Servant. That is impossible, my soul is deeply tied to the universe through the souls collected. On that paper, crafted through the power of souls, is made by more than half of the ones I control. We are all one, they are apart of me. And you, and your angels. We are all connected you see? All of your dear friends I have observed and all of your loved ones I have seen. And in truth you and I are not very different, maybe one. We are intertwined and one cannot exist without the other. I am your enemy, and your friend. I am Kestral, I am Ace, I am Minami, I am everyone. Through the souls I collected they were sewn threw yours and we are apart in one grand fabric. Try, try to erase me. No matter how hard you try, you cannot. Try. I demand try." Gabriel tried to erase Mannimarco, he did not disappear he stayed there. "See? Try again." Gabriel did so. "You see, there's more than just Mannimarco on there. There are several others. My soul is nowhere and could be anywhere. You would need to erase each soul, one by one, from Adam to now. It is impossible to erase me. It is not that simple, no stop firing on my legions. I command you." Gabriel stopped. "Now I command thee to call of the defense of Worms." Gabriel proceeded to. "You see? You and I are the same, we are one. I am you and you are me. I control you. I control everyone. This fabric we are in is un-torn and perfect. I have woven it for a long time." Within 20 minutes the city of Worms was the city of the Dead. "You, the Servant of Heaven, have a lot to learn."

    I don't know what happened, first I was in a bathtub then in a bed. In a well lit place, bright and colorful, I saw that kid. "What's going on?" I asked, no answer.
    Casual Member
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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:46 pm

    I replied to him with this: "Whose eyes are those eyes who see with such eyes that maketh and becometh the eyes of the beholder that sees into?"
    "This is my world, Mannimarco. You're just an interloper."
    My space angels have completed it. The LHC Linker Core.
    "You see Mannimarco. It's just as you said, we are one. Da-ke-do-sa~ you're not the one in control. I STARTED THIS THREAD AND WILL ERASE ANYONE AGAINST THE WILL OF THE GAB. In other words, God and me are equal~ I control everything here unless you are a mod from teh real world. Of course Mannimarco/H4xR0x, you are a mod. Try, and take it... Activate the Linker Core."

    The LHC and the Linker Core made a grand connection, and a white flash of light left only 3 figures: Me, Mannimarco, and Ace.
    "Now then, let the fighting start. There is only one rule here in this emptiness, this empty domain of mine called the Da'at. The rule is: Kill one of us, and all of us will be killed. This is my perfect contingency plan. Once we get destroyed, I will just flee to the real world and re-live being St. Gabriel again. (Yes I am egotistic enough to call myself a saint.)"

    And my form was of a great, white, and shining dragon. Ready to decimate, and ready to be decimated.
    The Gay Mod
    The Gay Mod

    Number of posts : 342
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    Registration date : 2008-03-09

    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by H4xR0x Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:08 am

    A barrage of grand white light hit Mannimarco un-phased, he made a slight movement of his hand, a rip in Da'At was formed. The flesh from Mannimarco's partially melted and some bone was revealed.

    "You see my friend, we are one." He walked towards Gabriel with no fear, his finger was lowered below his waist and was ripping the fabric of Da'At. "Dico mihi Specialis populus of Mortuus!" A great rumble came about and Gabriel struck Mannimarco multiple times, they all went straight through him. "I see now." Gabriel fiercely attacked Mannimarco. "I see why I am not dead." Gabriel struck Mannimarco with even more fierceness. "I was right Gabriel." Mannimarco was blasted by divine lights. Mannimarco briefly deformed but gained his mortish face back. "We are one."
    Time seemed to stop.
    The rip in Da'At was large and Mannimarco and Gabriel were alone. floating in it, they could see outside of the rip, Ace was there, but they could not move. "My heart. It was safely tucked away. In you Gabriel. We are one? Interesting is it not? Yes, yes, your thinking it's impossible, but I remember now, the summer of 756 AD do you remember that summer? You were en route to Russia, remember why? For some issue that probably doesn't matter. I met you and immediately recognized your power. Discreetly, I utilized my power to take my soul out from my body. No, it wasn't a heart at all. It was my soul, and my minions infused it into your heart. They disguised themselves as kind old women and gave you water. Remember that water? You passed out. That was my soul Gabriel you see?" Gabriel and Mannimarco began to drift out of the rip, and they did and Gabriel let loose an endless barrage on Mannimarco. "I then erased the location of my memory after commanding my minions to fabricate my heart. Placed in several places. In a tree, in the sea, in a rock, in the center of Eve's Beauty and many other places. You were right, kill one of us and kill all of us. You kill me, you have to kill yourself, by killing yourself Da'At will collapse. Can you sacrifice yourself?"
    Casual Member
    Casual Member

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    Registration date : 2008-03-18

    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:17 am

    "Well duh. I am a saint after all. You can't beat me. I am Sephiroth, you are Qlipoth. We are mere imbalances. And FYI, Da'at already a void. Ripping one piece off won't make a difference to it's voidness."
    I started thinking. Then his heart came out.
    "But how did you-"
    "Bye, bye"

    Suddenly Ace appeared and shot him with his gun. He vanished

    Ace was very evil. He restarted time back to when the City of Worms was still there.

    "I'll go through the Rei/Mei Arc later. Ja ne~"

    Ace's notation : But unlike teh gay mod, I am willing to edit.
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    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by Ryuacchi Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:38 am

    Rei, being ultimately the weakest character among all of them (because, er. HE'S HUMAN.) Was unfortunate enough not to play such a big role in the super duper climax battle of whatever. Heck, he's so weak he didn't even notice the reset. Raven did, he didn't.

    So our silver-haired anti-hero was, as usual, doing his yakuza termination job. He was currently watching over the Yamato gang, which had an infamous reputation along Okinawa. Thanks to his work, roughly 10% of the gang already experienced non-rem sleep (or in some cases, eternal sleep). However, after all those weeks pass by, only one thought disturbed him.

    St. Gabriel.

    He knew trouble was something he should expect from him, especially if Raven was so determined to research about him. Really, the old geezer stalks "angels" - he knew the first one wasn't a real angel, but this one... Well, Rei will leave the all the dirty research work to him.

    However, it was not his unusual existence that disturbed him the most. The first time he met him, he already knew his - or rather, their - real identity. That alone proved that this Gab (he decided to call him that) was no ordinary being.

    Who else would turn the window into a fucking roast turkey?!

    Rei sighed. He was almost surprised that the guy didn't pop out of nowhere again.
    Admin Sleuth
    Admin Sleuth

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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by AceDetective Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:16 am

    In heaven. . .

    "Damn you Ace!!! I almost got him but you had to intervene", shouted Gabriel.

    "Mnnmnmnphh, mphnp, mmnph."

    "Oh right, you can't reply when you gagged."


    "Tsk. And to think I, would allow an not yet dead person in Heaven.

    "Mmph, mph, mmmp."

    "God will get angry for sure. Anyway, where did you send that Mannimarco."


    "Are you serious?"


    "Damn. I have to go now to Japan!!! And next time don't go putting demons into bodies of sub-characters."


    ---1 hour later---

    "What was that all about?" Kestral said

    "Hello there Kestral." I said.

    "Who are you?"

    "I am Ace. A detective. Now DIE!!!"

    "I stabbed him in the head with a Kukri."

    But he survived???
    Casual Member
    Casual Member

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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:27 am

    /*On a sidenote: Yay! My Japanese interface is back! Proof is this: その め、誰の め*/


    I did not tie Ace up.
    Reset is a last resort.
    Reset hurts.
    Sending someone alive in heaven won't get me reprimanded. I do that all the time.
    I'm in Chapter 4 of Chaos;HEAd.

    On with the main story....

    "I didn't remember tying Ace up..."
    "But that's what it says in the records."
    "Damnit. I just became a legitimate priest for 6 hours then this happens."
    "You had fun, right?"
    "Ain't it obvious, Minami?"

    I went to Japan to make sure that the Rei/Mei arc starts.
    "Sigh... My life's like a visual novel. Get a bad end, you just go to your last save point."
    I went to his/her apartment.
    "Yo yandere! How's life?"
    I saw no one but Raven.
    "Oh, it's you. Felt the reset?"
    "Yeah. It does hurt."
    "You have more bunnies?"
    "No. I came for Rei."
    "He's not here."
    "Let me guess..."
    I left the apartment. He has to be somewhere around the area. I just went to Shibuya though. I needed fun. Oh, and Akihabara. It's always a must for guys like me. I'll search for him later.
    Admin Sleuth
    Admin Sleuth

    Number of posts : 644
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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by AceDetective Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:43 am

    At that second Kestral left.

    I saw an angel stand before me.

    "Thou must not hurt Kestral."

    "Really? DIE then."

    I stabbed the angel with a sword

    The angel is slowly dying.

    "How is that posssible?"

    "Simple, this sword is cursed."


    The angel dies.

    Time to catch up with Kestral.
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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by Ryuacchi Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:55 am


    "Yes. Akihabara."

    "...How cliche."

    "I'm counting on you."

    "Tch." Another delusioned murder. Why do all the random killings happen at Akihabara, anyway?

    As if I have a choice. Time to go to the Animanga district, then~

    ...Come to think of it, being Mei would be a nice advantage. Now, where're those bunny ears...?
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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:56 am

    Ace killed a demon at least. Seriously, even I can't tell the difference- oh, wait. Yeah, I forgot. Demons have better looking wings than us.... Damnit.

    "Rei's here to the very least."
    "It's because of the murder." Minami said between bites of her cream puffs.
    I stared at her.
    "May I bite?"
    "Ok, say "ah"."
    It bit a piece.
    "Your wel~come."
    I suddenly saw Mei out of the blue.
    "Let's go."

    We stalked Mei around Akihabara. He went directly to the crime scene.
    "Reminds me of something... Wait..."
    I went across the police tape and tasted the blood. Distinctly Legion.
    "Ace killed this thing."
    "Gabriel?!" Mei saw me.
    "Shit, my cover's blown dead. Minami, let's scram."
    She grabbed me by te hand and we boarded the next train to Kyoto.
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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by Ryuacchi Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:35 am

    Give credit to Rei, people. At least he ended up boarding the exact same train as Gab. Sure, there was the murder, but heck. The angel tasted the guy's blood. There should be a good reason why, right? And who was that girl? Maybe an angel, too.

    Fuck. I'm dealing with mythological creatures. Being human feels helpless. Sure, Raven's human too, but he's... Different. Personality-wise different.

    Not that his life was considered normal, anyway.
    Casual Member
    Casual Member

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    Anything-goes Roleplay - Page 2 Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:09 am

    I hate being brain dead... Anyways!... at least were here at the lead Shinto Temple.

    "Finally, I've been thinking for too long now. Minami, ready teh system. I want my thoughts to be fulfilled."
    "But Gab-kun, your download is-"
    "Urusai! Not t-t-that plan yet! The OTHER plan."
    "Oh, okay~"

    "Gab-kun, were do I put the Yin/Yang?"
    "Put it on the floor. I want that Star of David on the ceiling."
    "Put the Buddha here."

    Finally we're done decorating the temple, now for the final touch...
    "Gab-kun, how do we lure Mei here?"
    "She'll find us."
    I pressed a button.

    "Valhalla, start quantum defect expansion."
    Roger that.

    Generating Minovsky particles. Synchronizing all 7 GN Drive Topological Defects....

    Expanding field interface. Interfering with I-field... I-field interaction complete. GN-Minovsky Manifold created.

    Wave-mystic force function created. Mystics expansion activated...

    Expanding Graviton Dimensional Area...

    [b]WARNING! Gravity is super-enhanced. Weight increasing. [/b]

    Signal start!

    The gravity became heavier, GN and Minovsky particles flooded the whole mountain. And a glowing sign appeared in the sky.
    It said: I'M RIGHT HERE MEI! - St. Gabriel.

    I guarded the area with my personal soldiers.
    "May I, Spode, be with you."
    "Hail be Spode! Our creator!"

    My plan:

    Last edited by GabLAD on Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spoiler Hide)

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