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    Anything-goes Roleplay

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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:22 am

    I'll start with the char intros. If anyone wants to add theirs, PM me:

    Name: St. Gabriel (Apolyon) | Age: 13 Billion+
    User: GabLAD
    Appearance: A 13-year old with glasses (despite the fact that he's blind), black priest robe with bishop hat, and heterochromatic (red on the left, colorless on the right)
    Information: An agent of Heaven (specifically Seraph order; now promoted to Chayot) sent to Earth (and other dimensions) to watch over it's turmoil. Since he is a Seraph, he practically has no weaknesses and his strength is colossal (He could destroy and rebuild the universe in the blink of an eye). His embarrassing weak point though is his moe lolicon complex. This includes: mentioning names of visual novels he likes; the presence of a picture of a moe anime girl; or the presence of his daughters, Hanyuu Furude and Noumi Kudryavka (note that they're adopted). His hobbies are killing people; working for the Mafia, Yakuza, and the Interpol at the same time; and stalking. Items that are usually found in his bag include: A Bible; A Koran; A Torah; A Talmud; A Midrash; Buddhist texts; the original Four Vedas; a snake cube with weird abilities; a Ramayana text; Hindu texts; a mirror of green jasper; and a lantern. Married to his childhood friend Seraph (promoted to Chayot) Minami Sandalphon (twin sister of his angelic superior, Chayot Metatron).

    Name: Rei/Mei Kobato | Age: 17
    User: Ryuacchi
    Appearance: Heterochromatic (green on right, gold on left); Maid uniform or casual outfit (Mei); Loose, gangster-like attire (Rei)
    Information: A person leading a dual life of boy or girl, he/she seeks out Yakuza members and roots them out of their life (killing them) due to his/her past. By day, the person is Mei Kobato. A sweet (too sweet in fact) waitress for a maid cafe, a sort of yandere. By night though, the person is Rei Kobato. A sleek, I'll-kill-you-if-you-touch-me private detective hunting down Yakuza members. He is very fond of alcoholic drinks, despite being underaged.

    Name: Kestral | 29
    User: H4xR0x
    Appearance: Finely dressed. Concealed weapon always on hand.
    Information: A legit assassin who receives writs of executions from a legal source. He gets paid extremely well, and often over paid. He often gets mistaken for a murderer as some officers mistake the signature on his writs to be fake. Some officers doubt him being a legal assassin. Rumor has it that he is currently has a writ for Temple Arch Magistrate, Roy Calmund.

    Name: Ed "Ace" Filsno | Age: Depends on where you think
    User: Ace
    Appearance: Usually dressed in the trademark detective apparel.
    Information: No one knows much about him. All that is known is that he is a very good investigator and has a rivalry with this "so-called angel that can't be true". Has a trademark Tranquilizer Gun that is not your ordinary tranquilizer gun.

    Mannimarco | 1500 years
    Info: Back in the 500's Mannimarco was born in the Germanic town of Worms. Soon he became affiliated with an angel who kept his divinity a secret. Mannimarco conned the angel and stole the angel's ring. The ring was one of the sources of that angel's divinity, and since Mannimarco stole it, he became as powerful as any other angel. Mannimarco managed to kill the angel in his new power and began practicing necromancy. After centuries, he finally perfected the art of necromancy. To protect his soul, he severed his still beating heart and kept it alive by the harvest of souls his wraiths performed. He hid the heart away and made several fabricated hearts too and abolished all of their locations from his mind, and told his most trusted servants to keep them safe and not tell him of their whereabouts. He now resides in a cavernous place surrounded by a barrier that keeps his whereabouts secret to all.
    Appearance: His appearance often changes as he practices his necromancy. He takes on the flesh of a new soul whenever he bids and never has indication that he is Mannimarco except for a ring he embedded where his heart used to be in his body.

    Last edited by GabLAD on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by Ryuacchi Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:32 am

    First log, I suppose? XD
    1. Rei swears, so beware.
    2. Raven's no OC. Guess who he really is and what series did he come from. :D

    Only rushed footsteps broke the silence of the night, in the dark alleys of Okinawa. It was prey and predator, the hunter and the hunted. The young teen can feel the thrill rushing through his body. He was just playing with that poor, poor gangster.

    He smirked as the fool turned around the corner, panicking. It was a dead end.

    He slowed his pace, moonlight reflected on his silver hair. He could hear his victim whimpering in fear as he walked towards him. He stoped, and silence followed. After a while he spoke, the smirk in his face long wiped out.

    "What do you know?" He demanded. His voices was stoic and cold, devoid of any emotion. The man in front of him only sputtered unintelligently.

    The silver haired man then drew a silver gun and fired a warning shot, only inches away from the man's head. "I didn't hear you."

    "R-Rei Kubota! I only know your name, I swear!"

    "You're lying. Tell me the truth in 5 seconds, or piss off lead."

    It took the man only a short while to oupen his mouth, but Rei fired two more warning shots before he could even talk.

    "H-Hey! That was only 2 seconds!"

    "I suck at math. Now spit it out."

    "F-Fine, you fraud! You're not even - "

    Rei pressed the barrel of his Smith and Wesson onto the fool's head. "Wrong choice of words. Now die."

    A gunshot rang through the air.

    "Now, that was a bit loud..." Rei muttered to himself as he wiped off the streak of red on his face. He can't let anyone blow off his yakuza cover, no matter what. Raven's one person he can't let down. That, and his dignity was at stake here. "Now, how do I - "

    Mismatched eyes narrowed as he pulled out another gun. Someone else was out there. He could feel it.

    "Show yourself." He said. Ten, from the shadows came out...

    Rei blinked. Is that a priest?!

    Despite Rei's bewildered look, this suspicious figure only kept his polite demeanor.

    "Good evening Rei. Or, should I say..." His smile went up a notch. "...Mei."


    "Oh, come on. You don't want to hurt a blind little boy, don't you?"

    Well, this one's a whole lot different, he thought. And he's shorter, too. "Male, female. Child, adult. I don't fucking care. Either you keep your mouth shut, or make a lovely corpse."

    "Dare to shoot." The boy even made a sort-of welcoming gesture. "Just try."

    That was the end of the line. Without any hesitation, Rei fired on his left eye.

    It hit dead on. Blood squirted from his eye, like scarlet rain. The boy cringed a bit, and even keeled over. Rei kept his gun aimed at him. After a while, he straightened up again, ignoring the flowing red river from his eye.

    "Nice shot. My left's gone, and I see no more future for you. But at least I understand now."

    Rei loaded his gun again. "Give sense to your words, you bastard."

    Nevertheless, the young boy continued. "Remember that I'm your senior, Rei. Your life will get tougher any second now... Mihaeru, Yamato. Kill him."

    All of a sudden, two other men came out rushing at Rei. Both of them were gigantic and muscular, weilding enourmous heat rods.

    But it didn't really matter to Rei. "Bigger figures only mean bigger targets... And smaller brains." He immediately shot them dead without wasting any bullets. He turned back to the boy, but he was already gone. "Tch." He muttered. Hell get that boy next time, whoever he is. "Maybe Raven knows." Without further ado, Rei walked away.


    "Priest's robes? Is he your age? White hair and blue eyes?"


    "Can't help you, then."

    Rei sighed as Raven shrugged his shoulders. They were at home - a dirty old, rundown apartment. Not that it matters - those two are lazy old geezers. (At least Raven is).

    "What he said..." Rei muttered. "Bothers me." Silence engulfed the room, forcing Rei to amuse himself with the smoke drifting from Raven's cigarette. Raven looked at him seriously as he brought something out.

    "Use this when you meet him again." He let it roll on the table. Rei only twitched.

    "Use this when you meet him again." He let it roll on the table. Rei only twiched.

    "Last time I checked, I'm not a monk."

    "Doesn't matter."

    "Tch. Not that I need it." Nevertheless, he kept the mysterious object.

    "Also!" Raven exclaimed rather cheerily. "I think this would suit Mei's maid uniform!" In his hands were a pair of cute bunny ears.

    "Fuck you."

    "I love you too. <3"



    Two more corpses lay in front of Rei, observing big packets of shabu. "Looks icky." He muttered. He was shaking the blood off his skates when he answered his ringing phone. "Yes? ... The name? ... Understood." He then put it back in his pocket, still eyeing on the corpses. "A yakuza gang, huh." He muttered.

    "Daijoubu da ne, Rei?"

    The teenager turned around, alert. "You again."

    The young boy only smiled. Rei noticed his left eye's recovery, but didn't point it out. "Who are you?"

    The boy ignored him. (Rei = -_-+++) "If not, then run. If OK, draw your gun." Of course, Rei did the latter. (His pride demands it). He immediately started shooting, but the boy merely dodged them all. He suddenly rushed towards him. Rei could only see a blur before noticing two cuts on his arm.

    "Mata ne!" Without further afo, he jumped on a... er, strange, spiky round... thing, and went off.





    She had absolutely no idea how in the world did Raven persuaded her boss to actually have her wear the bunny ears. "It actually makes you cute, Mei! Gives out the moe factor!" The girl had to sigh. "Sure, but it's embarassing..." She muttered.

    "Kubota! Please give this to table #7!"

    "Haaaai!" Mei pulled out her cutest smile and cutest voice as she took the plate. Waaah... Shiitake mushrooms with cheese? That's my favorite.

    "Here is your order. Thank you for waiting!" Mei then said to her customer with her brightest smile. IIt did falter, however, as she noticed that it was actually a very familiar young boy. Just walk away... Try not to kill him... She did notice something slipped into her apron. She quickly rushed to the staff bathroom and took it out. It was a note, so she read it.

    "Solomon's Temple, Jerusalem, Israel
    Nov. 11, 2008

    Dear Rei/Mei (If not, then cook this note)
    I am here to inform you that I'd be staying at your place for a few days. Ciao!

    Hatingly yours,
    St. Gabriel."

    Screw all Christian mentions (She's a Buddhist). What mattered was that he's staying. At. Their. Place.




    "Greetings, infidels! I come in peace and bring gifts." Gab exclaimed, taking out his bag and bringing out bunny merchandise - bunny ears, bunny suits, and even live rabbits.

    As Raven had sparkles in his eyes, Rei was pounding his head on a nearby wall. He knew this was going to happen the moment he saw that spiky orange thing in front of their apartment. At least he had an assignment.

    "As for you..." Gab suddenly said, giving him a CD. "It's Gloomy Sunday. If you want to commit suicide you just - "


    "Go fuck yourself, shit-for-brains."


    Unless you are a complete and utter idiot, you very well know Rei's life on the next few days were a living hell.

    One time Rei woke up a bit early to cook breakfast. He then saw Gabriel playing Shuffle! on the computer. "Wanna play? Your teenage hormones are unpredictable, so why perk them up by playing this?


    Minutes later, Rei finally finished uninstalling the horrible visual novel. He then walked towards the kitchen and was about to make breakfast when he saw Gabriel again. WITH HIS REVOLVERS.

    "I'm gonna fry them!" He said happily as he added a few eggs and made himself a... Er, gun omelette. "Itadakimasu - "

    Casual Member
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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:29 am

    On the third day, I got bored and started to read my holy books out loud. Rei snapped at me and started shooting, but the field that I set up activated.

    "Study physics, Rei. What I have here is a Minovsky property called an I-field. Deflects very nicely don't you think?"
    I packed up my stuff and transmuted the window into roast turkey.
    "Ja ne. Sieg Greater! Let's go!"
    I hopped on my Knight Giga Fortress and went to the sky.

    "Metatron, my surveillance's complete."
    "Good. Make sure he'll chase after you from now on."
    "Roger that. By the way, how are my kids?"
    "I'll put them through."

    "Oto-san! It's been a week already."
    "I know, Hanyuu, I know. Where's Noumi?"
    "Toying with your stuff."
    "What?! Drop"
    "She said something about finding your Recall Mat... Wait, she doesn't mean-"
    "Holy crap! Wait there Hanyuu."

    "Metatron, is it okay if I go home now?"
    "Why do you ask?"
    "Well you see, Noumi found my Recall Mat and-"
    "Oto-san! TIME - TO - GO - HOME!" Noumi stepped on the mat.
    "- crap."
    I was teleported home.
    Admin Sleuth
    Admin Sleuth

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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by AceDetective Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:31 am

    *Enters the house while Gab is out and Rei is not there*

    "What this house needs is a complete renovation."

    Shoots tranquilizer gun at the house.


    Gabs gets teleported back.

    "Hello Gab."



    House explodes.

    "Bye, Gab!"

    *Leaves this dimension"
    The Gay Mod
    The Gay Mod

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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by H4xR0x Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:19 pm

    Damn this guy can talk. Isn't he SUPPOSE to be reading books or signing damned papers?

    No, instead, he talks to Mr Fancy Hat, who the hell wheres a half a meter tall hat anyway?

    "Come on. Get out of that damn office Jesus freak. Oh God dammit who the hell is walking in there!?" He looked through the scopes of his gun. "Fuck it. I have the writ, like I'd care if he dies alone. Alright, steady..."

    He aimed the gun directly at his target's head.


    He was about to pull the trigger when the wind picked up. He knew not to shoot a sniper's bullet in the wind, the bullet would miss the target completely!

    "Shit! Where the fuck does this damn wind come from!"

    He walked around the room in a fury. He didn't leave it though. He knew that people were in the same 10 story high building as he was. He was mainly camped out behind some cardboard boxes with the window open. His gun was positioned, and tightly fastened, at the window sill. He noticed the wind die down a bit and started to aim again.

    "Alright... 5 mill, here I come." He aimed the gun masterfully.

    The wind had died down, the air was still, no one noticed him, the target was alone, he aimed and took fire.

    The window pane shattered into thousands of pieces, the target fell right out of his chair from the force of the bullet lodged in his head.

    He let out a shout of joy, and looked through his binoculars for a better look at the scene.

    A hole was indeed in his target's head, he was dead. The target fell straight back in his chair, both were on the floor. He noticed another person in the room. That person was crawling on the floor, a streak of blood flowing down his fine robes.

    "Shit! How in hell did I notice him! Oh well."

    He walked toward the door, his gun in his hand, half way across the room the door leading to it burst open.

    A bright light shone in his face, and a stern commanding voice called from it.

    "GET DOWN!"

    A policeman? How annoying, where's that damn writ...

    "I SAID GET DOWN!" The voice demanded.

    "Listen, I have a writ here."

    "Oh really let me see it."

    "One moment."

    Dammit! Where's that writ. Ah here it is.


    "That's a fake writ!" The voice echoed "The seal is broken! It's fake! You're getting you ass hauled out of here!"

    "Listen, I can explain-" He fell on the floor from a shock from a T.A.S.E.R.

    Kestral was hand cuffed and sent down to the nearest holding cell.
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    Registration date : 2008-03-18

    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:27 pm

    "Damn that Ed."
    I snapped my fingers and my house was rebuilt.
    "I'm home!"
    "Geez, oto-san. You could at least rebuild the house faster you know. Say 1/2 nanoseconds faster."
    "Stop complaining, Hanyuu. That's the fastest I could do considering the Holy Spirit put a seal on my powers."
    "But still, the seal only stores up 1% of your abilities right?"
    "Well... that is true."
    "Oto-san! Where's mom?"
    Drop "Mom? Umm... she ain't here yet."
    I turned back to Hanyuu.
    "You told her about her?!"
    "Hehehe, I figured that she should know right about now."
    "Geez, the only people at present supposed to know about that is you, me, Metatron, the Holy Trinity, and she herself."
    "Oto-san! You have a call from the FBI!"
    "Well, she knows now so leave it be."

    "Yes, Robert. What do you want?"
    "So, how's your house?"
    "Why the frickkin' hell are you asking me that? Just cut to the chase."
    "Anyway, we have here cases that you might be interested in."
    "Finally, something to do other than sniping."
    "Actually, you may need to snipe a few people on your way."

    "The cases we have here are pretty high-profile."
    "Kestral and... Rei Kubato?!"
    "You've heard of them?"
    "Yeah, the latter at least."
    "Kestral is somewhat an unknown mystery on our hands. He gets paid big, claims to have a legitimate 007, but was arrested for having a fake writ. He assassinated Roy Calmund."
    "At least I know that Rei would be chasing after me. I made sure of that. But this Kestral... this guy might need interrogation."
    "Where do you suggest?"
    "My place, in Kyoto."
    "You expect us to pay that much just to send a criminal to you?"
    "No need. The expenses are mine to hold. But be sure to hold security. He might escape on his way to Japan."
    "Understood. By the way, how are your kids?"
    "How deep of a scar do you want in your brain, Robert?"

    The preparations were complete. All we need now is a wing and a prayer. (I could do the latter.)
    The Gay Mod
    The Gay Mod

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    Registration date : 2008-03-09

    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by H4xR0x Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:06 am

    "Orders from a higher power. Come with me to Sellus Gravius, who'll accompany you to Kyoto."
    That damn, guard, with his smug face and "I'm better than you" attitude.
    Then that damn Sellus Gravius, I've met him before, an ass.
    Always thinks I'm illegal, ooh this is a fake writ, and the way you carried out that job was dangerous to the commonwealth.
    When did I kill Roy? 5 Hours ago, now I'm being packed up and sent to the Land of the Rising Sun, be questioned by some sly know-it-all.

    Sellus grinned "Well Kestral, it's about time I see you in chains."
    "Can the attitude, that writ was legal and you know it!"
    "The seal was broken I'm afraid. It wasn't legit, so you are now finally recognized for murder, as it should be."
    "You've played your part in this, I know it."
    "I wouldn't do such a thing."

    He went on and on about how happy he was and about how much of a fool I was.
    A whole damned night I had to put up with that. He doesn't need sleep, that devil.
    On the trip, I was showed some kindness as to who I was seeing.
    "A kid? You gotta be shitting me A DAMN KID?"
    "My questions is as good as yours, but apparently the kid handles these cases."
    "He probably still cries when his mom isn't there."
    "He doesn't have any living parents to our knowledge."
    "Believe what you will. The bottom line is that there's a small cell for you when you're finally locked up."
    "It won't be of use, because that DAMN WRIT WAS REAL."
    "The seal broken and the signature false."

    That's something new, the signature was false. I'm not able to argue that, unfortunately, I don't actually know who is my boss, just that he pays big time for my work. Never open the writs, kill the guy, and get my money, That's the deal, nothing more, nothing less.

    I never even applied for him. I got away with a murder trial and sent me a letter. He told me to do write back to a given address. I did. I got my first writ seven days later.

    I don't even know how he knows the info on the murder, or if it happened at all. I get the money usually the next day and my next writ. Seldom does he every actually write a comment.

    I don't even know if he is a she or vice versa.

    When we arrived in Kyoto, it smelled, bad. Something must have died, but we got to our location, now for a stuck up kid.
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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:22 am

    "Welcome to my miniature temple. Have a seat."
    I locked the door.
    "What the fucking hell do you want?"
    I showed to him my FBI badge.
    "This is an interrogation. What's more, it ain't recorded, so speak up."
    "I ain't talking to some kid."
    "Take me seriously, bastard. Who's your boss?"
    "I won't tell."
    "Who - is - your - boss?!"
    "I said I won't tell!"
    "Look, if you wanna through this talk, you better speak up. Or else, you'll be reduced."
    "Reduced to what? Oh, look at me. I'm a mere boy priest tell this guy what to do- Enough of that bullshit."
    "You'll be pretty much reduced to protons."
    "Oh yeah, you're gonna use a disintegrator gun?"
    "I was think something a bit more realistic. Like sending you to the LHC as fission matter."
    "Please, that place won't be open 'till 2009."
    "I could force them though. But enough threats. Just tell me who's your boss and then you can go."
    "Damnit, I said that I won't tell."
    I snapped my fingers.
    "Very well then. You may go now."

    "Send him to the LHC."
    "Yes sir."
    "Make sure though to give him his weapons, and make sure security is loose. I'd like to see how well of an escape artist this guy is."
    The Gay Mod
    The Gay Mod

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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by H4xR0x Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:39 am

    Jesus Christ this place is bright. Damn cold too. Steel.

    "You have one minute."
    "Huh? What the hell."

    I could see Sellus in a glass box above me, I could make him out, barely. Then there's that damn kid. Seriously, If I did know I would tell him, but, at least I got my knife with me.

    "30 Seconds."
    "For what?"

    The guard exited the room in a rush it seemed.
    I ran for the door, zap T.A.S.E.R.d.
    I got up and made for the exit again, zapped again. I didn't fall, zapped again, didn't again.
    I made a jump for it.
    "Initiate the sequence."

    All of a sudden there was a loud noise, I didn't know exactly what was going to happen, but from the science-y words that kid used, it wouldn't be good.

    Up in the booth Sellus glanced at Gabriel.
    "Is this really necessary?"
    No answer, only a grin. An acknowledgment.

    The LHC is a controversial idea, never been tested, some say it'll tear a black hole, others say it will be a success, the others doubt if it would work.

    Kestral limped about the dome, recovering from the zaps.

    A minute passed.

    Kestral tried to climb the dome.

    Another minute passed.


    There was another loud noise, a streak light flew in the air, then another, and another.

    Surprisingly, Kestral didn't feel much. Death was a quick thing.

    "Gabriel, what are you going to do? He's DEAD."

    No reply, only a grin.
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    Casual Member

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    Location : Solomon's Temple (I wish)
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    Registration date : 2008-03-18

    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:25 am

    I made sure that no one was at the facility anymore.
    "Oya, Kestral."
    I kicked his crotch and he woke up.
    "Ouch! Hey, it's you again."
    "Now that I've faked your death I suppose you should thank me."
    "Not in a million years, shit-for-brains."
    "Yeah, I get that a lot. Anyway what shot you was a high-density stun ray. Should've temporarily put you near death. Only a kick in the crotch could wake you up."
    "That's unpleasant. But what's your game, kid?"
    I ignored him and continued blabbering.
    "I didn't want to use the high-energy particles because I knew completely that the universe would go bye bye, and I didn't want to waste one milligram of my energy on saying `Let there be light` again."
    "You ain't God."
    "I know, I'm just His 2nd highest angel."
    "Like I'd believe that."
    "Look, I'm giving you an opportunity to escape. You are confirmed dead by the authorities. You could start your assassinations without anyone noticing."
    "If I start again they'll know it's me."
    "Not unless I make a dummy."
    "What are you saying, kid?"
    I punched his abdomen and suddenly I pulled out a dead replica of himself.
    "Wait, how did you..."
    "Simple angelic necromancy. This will be the proof of your death. Get going now, I could sense their presence."
    "You do know that you'll be held as criminal if they find out."
    "I don't care."
    "What will you gain from this?"
    "Freedom from the chains of boredom. I've been living for so long now that I kinda get bored of stuff."

    Kestral got out of the LHC. I showed the FBI "his" dead body, and they were very much convinced.
    "Well, that puts one criminal off our shoulders."
    "Don't be too overconfident, Sellus."
    I only grinned. Looks like these following months will be some excitement for me, not to mention that I have a wedding engagement very soon.
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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by AceDetective Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:39 am


    "Hmm. . . , this just might be interesting."

    I run towards the LHC.

    "Hehehehehe. . ., I knew it."

    I go to the FBI

    "He's ALIVE?", screamed the chief there.

    "Yes. He is."

    "But there was a dead body."

    "One could say there was, but it was FAKE."


    "That man who showed you the dead body is a man full of tricks. He knows how to fake a death easily. "


    "To put it shortly. . ."

    Explains the whole process in Gab's terms

    --3 hours later--


    "Of course, he CLONED him."

    "Huh? What a nutshell. I know that you are a respectable detective and that you disappear occasionally for 5 years or so, but that has to be the most absurd. . ."

    "Just give me funding for this."

    "No can do. . ."

    I point my Tranquilizer Gun at him.

    "Now you're gonna threaten me?"

    "Nope. I don't need to threaten you since you will give to me the funding peacefully"

    I shoot the gun. The dart hits him in the arm.

    "What the F***!!! What did you do to my arm."

    The arm reaches into a safe located in the office. It pulls out a card form inside it and gives it to me.

    "How kind of you Mr. Chief to present to me an ATM card. This card is special too. It can withdraw any amounts from any bank ATM. Of course, the givernment will pay the bank."

    The arm flails around. It covers the mouth of the chief. I shoot the legs. They start moving. Pretty soon, the chief was out of the office of the FBI.

    "Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!" I laughed.

    I grab the ATM card. Off to Japan I guess. . .

    Th next day while in the airport, I find a newspaper.


    I board the plane.
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    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:00 am

    "F- you, Ace."
    I reverse time just to the point that Ace tranquilized Robert.
    "F- you, Ace. Go to f-ing hell with f-ing Satan with all of his f-ing demons and hot and f-ing b*tches."
    I shot him with my GN Quad-barrel Hadron Cannon System (Trademark). The whole building was destroyed.
    "Bad aim, Gab."
    "Look, don't ruin my day, ok. I'm getting married on Sunday. (Today was Friday) I don't want anyone crashing into my wedding."
    "Aren't you a bit too young to get wed?"
    "I get that a lot but still, go home to the real world already."
    "Please, just as I said in your `Rin's Ecstasy`chapter in your Little Busters Short Stories: "I'm bored...". So finally, I have something to do. I bug you!"
    "Oh just go to f-ing hell and f- Satan."
    "No way."
    "Ugh, that's it."
    I destroyed that present universe and went to the current one.

    The news came in.
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    Post by H4xR0x Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:26 pm

    The streets of Kyoto still stank to high heaven. The City of Angels was better, or New Orleans.

    But oh well, by that night I was on a ship to America. How? I snuck on board. How did I know it was going to America? I had a hit once for the director of the Port of Los Angeles, he was in a small town, San something, and bottom line is that, I shot him right in front of the ship I'm on. The Mearsk. A Russian ship, goes from Siberia, to Japan, and hauls the goods to that little port.

    Well it wasn't small, it was quite large and busy, busier than New York or Seattle, which I've been to.

    My plan was to lay low, my shirt was dirty, so I knocked a guy out. Got his uniform, everything. Even his card, which had no picture on it.

    That's how it was for several days. Hiding out, laying low, staying out of conversations. I caught wind of a few things too, a letter from the bat shit insane kid. I don't know how he got it to me, but I wrote back. (Doubt the Russians would go through the mail)

    I got a reply, but it wasn't a reply, more like an envelope with enough cash to get to my house and my money. Then pack up and get the fuck out, hitting straight to Canada.

    When the shipped docked, I went straight to a bar, a place called Ante's. Then I walked aimlessly, looking for some means of transportation. No cabs sadly.

    I walked and decided to sit down, on a grassy area, by a school, homeless guys littered it so I went up the street. There was a church there, and I went in.

    Big statue of Mary on the bell tower and inside. The church was big for the town. There was a mass going on but I didn't care. I sat in the back pew, and refused to do anything.

    The mass must have been for the school. I doubt that kids would go to Mass on a Sunday morning in khakis and burgundy shirts. On top of that why was a school in school on a Sunday. Strange thing, oh well.
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    Post by GabLAD Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:39 am

    I got a bit relieved that two of my major problems were solved (Ace can never be solved. NEVER.). Now I could focus on my wedding.

    Minami has always been my friend. Ever since I started being a social angel I... Wait a minute, it'll take some space for me to fill in my story about our relationship so please bear with me.

    Then I was an anti-social angel. I wouldn't touch anyone, not let anyone touch me, and not even make eye contact. I was the most secluded of them all. My only friends then were Metatron and the Three-Entities-you-should-know-already.

    After the First Ascent to Heaven War (where Michael banished Satan and his lackeys from heaven), a female angel started following me. Wherever I went, she was there. I went to Metatron.
    "There's been this angel following me, who is she?"
    "Her? My twin sister, Sandalphon. Call her Minami for short."
    "Why Minami?"
    "For conveniece. You don't wanna call her Sandalphon all day long don't you?"
    "Just get her out of my way."
    "Well, let's see if I can."
    He didn't do it. She just kept following me. After several months, I finally had the strength to call her off.
    "Hmph. Minami, come here."
    "(Finally he noticed me.)"
    "(I could read minds you know. What do you want?)"
    "Umm... I was wondering of why you're always alone."
    "I don't need to answer that."
    "I see..."
    "Look, if it's nothing important, scram."
    "One other thing, would you be my... umm... friend?"
    "What's wrong with you?" I said without turning to her.
    "Didn't my big brother explain to you?"
    "Let me think...."

    "Gabriel, one other thing."
    "Minami pretty much doesn't know how to mingle with people. She's not like you, though. You avoid, she just shy. If she wants to be friends, give her at least a shred of courtesy."

    "Now I remember... Wait! Did your brother force this scenario upon us?!"
    "Good! Very well then, I think you could be in my circle."
    "Really? Thank you very much!"
    "Hmph. You just made a friend. Why do you thank me for that?"

    We soon spend time with each other (and date) and eventually become a bit more sociable with others. Although I really did think that Metatron made a plan about this, it doesn't matter to me much actually. All I know is, I'm with her and that's that. (I'll give her physical appearance later on.)

    What's with the backstory? Simple. She's somewhat essential to the major progress of my side of the story. And now that that's settled.
    "Here you go, Mr. Generic Mailman."
    "So the address is..."
    I'm sending invitations to our wedding to everyone of my good friends.

    "Hi Gab!"
    "Ace? What the heck are you doing here?"
    "I'm here to investigate the felony that you- Hey what's this?"
    "If you're gonna cause me trouble right now you're not invited to my wedding."
    "Who cares about your wedding?"
    "There's free steak for you if you come in peacefully."
    "I'm in!"
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    Post by AceDetective Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:00 pm

    After the wedding I took a plane to Canada. I felt that one like Kestral will consider going to Canada. AND I KNEW HE WAS THERE ANYWAY.

    So after leaving Toronto I rent a car and drive it to the border and wait. . .

    Pretty soon I find a person crossing the border, he was dressed meagerly yet something about him felt funny.

    It was then I noticed. . .


    "That has to be Kestral. There's that 'K' mark on his elbow." I thought.

    I decided to follow him. I saw him approach a house. It was a Tudor style house.

    I checked and tapped his phone lines.

    An hour later he got a call.



    I hastily remove it before Kestral discovered it.



    Damn GAB. Damn Kestral.

    BTW, his steak was so tough I broke three silver knives and a platinum one trying to kut it.
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    Post by H4xR0x Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:00 pm

    Gas prices are a bitch. Almost emptied half my wallet to get to my house from that little town.

    Well, it's more of a room, not a house.

    Vegas is where I have my stuff and money. Packed everything up in a suitcase, said I'd like to end my stay with the reception desk, emptied my bank account and was on my way.

    Got a plane ticket, and went on my way to Ontario.

    That kid did something good for me, made a clone, duplicate when I was in that town. Just for throwing people off, he said not to worry about it.

    Haven't heard from the kid yet. When I got to Ontario I had to establish a connection with my boss, and get my writs up and running again, and to look into what happened with that writ.

    When trying to do that I decided to give a call to a guy I know of. His name is Jack Moeller, he can completely make me nonexistent from anywhere. He did it for me in France, Africa, and India. Now I'm getting him to make me nonexistent from America. He can do it fast, give him a few details, some numbers, and I never existed from that country simple.

    I entered a few Canadian coins in a pay phone (I traded in my American cash for Canadian) and called him up.

    "Jack, it's Kestral. I need a bit of your expertise."
    "Really? Then I need five grand on the spot. What country is it?"
    "The US."
    "The US eh? Hmm, I'll see what I can do, in the meantime, you know where to wire the money to."

    I hung up and got a motel room for the night.
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    Post by AceDetective Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:19 am

    Trailing Kestral was easy. Of course I knew all about him. I knew about his past, and what he is doing.

    Ever since the incident on the LHC I kept on thinking. WHY WOULD GAB INTEREFERE?

    I observed Kestral while he was in the house. A day passed and still nothing.

    "Hmm. . . Kestral's alive, but he's doing nothing." I thought.

    At that moment I remembered something. KESTRAL HAS AN AGENT THAT TAKES CARE OF HIS TRAVEL NEEDS!!!

    "I should check on him." I thought.

    I hacked his phone records. The feds were willing enough. I gave them his cellphone number which was taken form him when he was in custody. He gave me his phone records.

    There were only two numbers. One was seen only in receiving. The other in both calling and receiving.

    I checked on both numbers. One was a disposable cellphone which I discovered was dumped. The other (a not-so smart move), a landline.

    I called the 2nd number.



    I had enough of this BS. I crept up to the house and shot a Panzerfaust Rocket Launcher through the window and onto Kestral.

    That should take care of it.

    Pretty soon firetrucks came so did the police. I just hid.


    The one I killed was a clone.

    I set off to Ontario to catch a plane.
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    Post by H4xR0x Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:24 pm

    Early on the news (Canadian news is weird) this morning saying that some idiot started a fire in Toronto, didn't kill anyone, bu their trying to find the guy who did it. Looks like Canada is no more dangerous than the US.

    I wasn't able to get in touch with my boss, and I knew my spot wasn't going to last. Someone will find me, so I'm hauling it over into another place soon.

    Wasn't sure on who to trust. Didn't want to make an impact on the community too much, and didn't want to be the guy everyone knew.

    Later on in the day I finally decided to call Jack again, too see if he's done anything.

    I went to the reception desk and a lady was there, I asked where was the nearest phone. Being kind she told me that there were no phones around. Damn. But she said another thing, it was that I can use her cell phone, so I did.

    I walked away from the reception desk, out of ear shot from the lady, and dialed Jack.

    "Jack it's Kestral, how much have you done so far"
    "Kestral? Why didn't you ask earlier?"
    "Because that's when I told you to do it."
    "No, you called again an hour later, then hung for no apparent reason."
    "Dammit listen to me. I did not call. OK?"
    "Fine. fine."
    "Well how much have you done?"
    "I managed to get a hold of your school records, legal, medical and passport. You now never went to school, nor got affiliated with the law, you also had perfect health, nothing, and now you are as American as the French."
    "Alright gotta go, bye."

    I don't know he got a hold of those records fast, but he did.
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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by AceDetective Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:56 am

    "Good work Jack.", I said as a pointed my tranquilizer gun at him.

    He look around until he saw me standing right next to him.

    "How did you get in here and WTF do you want?"


    "I never reveal my clients. "



    "Haha. But a man like you won't do good in jail. I know that you falsify documents. The court would like to hear that."

    "I ain't going to jail. For all you know, I am German."

    "Haha." I point a Smith and Wesson at him. "Now where are Kestral's documents?"

    "You'll never get anything out of me."

    "Bad choice." I shot my tranquilizer gun.

    "They are inside the safe in the basement. The code is 1895."

    "Thanks." I shot the Smith and Wesson.


    I shuffle through the documents. Off to the US.
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    Post by H4xR0x Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:57 pm

    Today I got a few documents for me. Jack found out which motel I was at last night and sent me my new identity. There was a letter attached to them, saying that these were the only copies of them he has, so he told me to be careful with them. I bought a cell phone under my new name, Winston Smith, and went on with my new life.

    I was a German tourist, born in the city of Worms. (My ethnicity is German) I was to go to Germany soon and exchange my Canadian cash for Euros.

    While heading to the airport I was stopped by some insane crazy acolyte of some sort. He started to spout out something bout some guy named Mannimarco.

    "The house of Worms shall be established and the chosen shall see their fate!" he continued "The blessed rouge Assassin wonder the lands! The rogue Lawman pursuits him! The rouge Servant watches over them! The King of Worms shall bestow fortunes upon one of them when his servants walk the Earth! Hail to the Bonelords! Hail to the Worm Anchorites! Hail to the King of Worms! Praise the name Mannimarco and thou shalt-"

    I finally had it with the guy and slugged him in the face.

    He stumbled on the ground but got up again. "Fear not Assassin for you shall ring in the Shade of change on the world."

    "Get the fuck away!" I kicked him and cussed him out and he went with what I said. While he was leaving he was still spouting nonsense.

    "Go to his domain Assassin! He bids you!"

    I walked away. When I got in the airport I walked around and through the crowds, convinced that he was gone, I got my ticket and went on a plane to Germany, in my fake name. I never checked out from the motel, and was sure as hell nobody no one knew who I was.

    But I was concerned about that crazy. Does he know that I'm assassin? Or does he know shit? Whatever this prophecy he spouted shouldn't be true. Maybe if I can get in touch with Gabriel he'll say something on it.
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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:52 am

    Ok, who's the shit that left me behind the story? Anyways...

    "This is bad. I just got my promotion from Seraph to Chayot then this happens."
    "Well, Gab-kun, this happens. You win some, you lose some."
    "What? I wasn't talking about the Kestral thing."
    I was playing Chaos;Head and got a bad end.
    "Damnit. So, what about Kestral?"
    "Geez, Gab. You should be a bit more attentive. Ahem, Kestral looks busted."
    "Excuse me for a while, Minami."
    I got up, drank a bit of coffee, then spat it all out abruptly.
    "WHAT THE F*CK?!"
    "Should I?..."
    "Yes, get me... "The Phone"."

    I dialed 666-SINNERS.
    "Hello, Really Hot Hell Hotline. Satan speaking."
    "Who the hell did you let out of hell. If it's bin Laden I swear you're gonna... gonna... have something bad there."
    "Oh, it's just you Gabriel."
    He hung up.

    Cut off.
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    Post by H4xR0x Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:36 pm

    The cave was dark and poorly lit. Masses of skulls and bones were scattered across the floor, and on the multiple ledges. It stank to high Heaven of rotting flesh.

    There was a dark and menacing atmosphere all around, and on a raised platform there was a skeleton in dark robes and a grand necklace of a black gem.

    There was soon a rumble, and then another. The necklace glowed and the cave shook. Purple and black clouds of gas came from the dark passages of the cave and rushed to the skeleton.

    A beating heart could be heard. And 9 hooded figures came from the dark and surrounded the platform as the clouds were absorbed by the skeleton.

    The figures were chanting something, Mannimarco, and the dream faded into darkness.

    God dammit, weird dream. Guess that happens after too much to drink and on an airline. I rubbed my eyes and sat back in my seat. We seemed to be passing over a mountain. We were in Europe I could tell, it was night.

    The intercom beeped and a voice rang out "Passengers we will reach the city of Worms in 10 minutes, please stay in your seats." The message was soon translated to French, Dutch, and German.

    I sat back in my seat and waited for a landing. Weird dream.
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    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:28 pm

    "Ok, so that bastard finally showed up."
    "Mannimarco, huh. I remember that guy. He killed off Sahaquiel."
    "What?! He's the guy that killed him off? Metatron, seriously now. It'd be hard to kill of an Ophanim, and the most powerful one at that."
    "I know, even I find it hard to believe. But he has the Materialization Ring of the Ophanim, and he's top 3 on the wanted list of sinners, so we should deal with him as swiftly as possible."

    "I bring this angel meeting to order."
    "Ok, our target is Mannimarco. We couldn't find a description so I'll just inform you guys that he has an extremely powerful necromanctic energy."
    "How powerful, Minami?"
    "Just as powerful as yours, Ramiel. He could take access to the Room of Gaff and reserve a body that he'll need. Take note of that."
    "The rest of you, I suggest to patrol Worms, Germany. That's our prime location of where he is."
    "I'll inform Kestral about this."
    "Wait, Gab-kun. He might get drawn into this."
    "He already is. I talked to Dream just now and said that there was a receiving transmission in Kestral's dream. The transmitter was in Worms."
    "Ok, Gab. As for the rest of you, be warned. Mannimarco has the ability to kill angels because his power level is equivalent of a Chaigidel."
    "No way! That's the power equivalent to Ophanim! He could kill us all off, with the exception of the Chayot of course. You guys are the highest."
    They started getting demoralized. I stood up.
    "Everyone. STFU! Ophanim may be second most powerful, but we could outsmart him. Even Ophanim have weaknesses right? Leliel, you should know that, you're an Ophanim as well. Now then, forces assemble!"
    "Heil Gabriel!"
    "Heil Angels!"
    "Gab-kun, stop acting like Hitler already." she whispered.
    "This gives me and them a morale boost."

    I called up Kestral.
    "Kestral, it's me, Gabriel. Sorry if we got cut off."
    "I'm in Worms already so it doesn't matter."
    "Listen, we have an angel-class fugitive there in Worms, and angels are flocking there as we speak. It seems you're going to be involved so I'm send for you two guards. Don't worry though, they won't tag along with you. They'll just be around 500 meters from you. Their names are Leliel and Gaghiel if you want to know."
    This time, I hung up on him. He didn't need to know much. Just the fact that someone's trying to get him recruited might give him shivers.
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    Post by H4xR0x Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:36 pm

    Note: I created Mannimarco and sent the info to Gab.

    Mannimarco took on flesh and began to speak:

    "Brethren! The time has come for all of us to take our stand! The time has come and the Shade of Revenance is upon us. The prophecies I have predicted for centuries are now becoming true. The heart, my heart, the heart of all, is safely stowed away. Your hearts are stowed away safely as well. And the fabrications are also completely safe. No one can steal the knowledge from anybody. It is not written. Or remembered. Not even I know, but for all of us, do not ponder on it, only be concerned with your duties. My 9 Sleepers, take your Bonelords and Anchorites and march the lands of the living. The Bonelords can completely render the angels powerless. I have bestowed you my dark gifts as well. You can control the dead and you can decimate the living. The world, Eve's Beauty, shall be rendered in our control. Many have tried and they all failed. But they did not control our dominion. If we fall, we will rise again. The souls of the "faithfully departed" are being trapped in your Amulets of Lorkhan. Crafted by angels, used by demons. China, Europe, everywhere will bear no exception. Kill the Lawman. Fight the Servant. Befriend the Assassin. Pelinal shall go after the Assassin. Sagittarius, Mankar, Reman, fight the Lawman. As for the rest, slowly accumulate souls. I shall only be involved with the Servant. Remember that. Remember that you all can disarm and get rid of the angels, with the help of the Bonelords that is. Lead your Anchorites and lead them into the homes of the living and take their souls. But only in the Witching Hour can they steal souls. The Bonelords can not stand the light. If they are around when the sun strikes Eve's Beauty they will turn to dust and must be filled with a new soul to revive them in the night. You Sleepers are in charge of the Bonelords and responsible for them. Eve's Beauty shall be ours! The world of the Living shall be destroyed and raised! We are invincible. No Sleeper or Bonelord can be harmed by the weapons man. The Sleepers' hearts are tucked away safely. The Bonelords can only be destroyed by the light. As for me, I am a god. I am impervious to all angels. Even the highest one, the Servant. No tread the lands!"

    I was walking in Worms to some motel and found one. Those angels are supposed to be around me, protecting me. I locked myself up in the room. Windows closed and went to sleep. I was dead tired. I flipped the lights off and started to doze off. Then I heard a loud THUMP outside. Then another and yells. I put my ear to the wall.

    "DIE!" A voice yelled.
    "Laliel don't falter!" are they those angels? I didn't want to get out. I was scared.
    "GAH!!! What's this? Let go foul beast-" He stopped and another THUMP went out.
    "Laliel! You ba-" The other stopped and another THUMP rang out.
    I locked myself in the bathroom, if something could kill an angel then they can kill me easily. The window was blocked and the only light disappeared for a moment. I was in the fetile position in the bathtub which wasn't visible from the window. I stayed there for the rest of the night, afraid.
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    Registration date : 2008-03-18

    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

    Post by GabLAD Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:51 pm

    This is bad.

    I called up Jesus as a last resort.
    "Oh, Lord Jesus. Please give me the Blueprints."
    He didn't say anything. He just gave it to me.

    The Blueprints are the plans of the whole universe. My existence, your existence, everything is planned out here. Even Mannimarco is here. I could erase him from the Blueprints if I have to but that'd be boring. So instead...

    "Ok, this should do the trick."
    I set up a unique gattling barrage system in Worms and other possible target places. Anything that's shot by the guns that's considered: 1) Necromancer; 2) Zombie; and 3) Prostitute shall be erased from existence, permanently. (I'm still in Heaven so note that.) Anyone else will just be seriously injured.

    "EAT GOD'S BLOOD, BITCH!" (Yes, that's what the bullets are made of. The flowing Blood of God.)
    I ordered an assault barrage on each site as Mannimarco's Hell Followers are closing in. Several were erased as they were hit. But more were still coming.
    "Good thing He doesn't suffer from anemia. Now then, let's see the outcome of this war."

    Meanwhile, my space agents were preparing something big...

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    Anything-goes Roleplay Empty Re: Anything-goes Roleplay

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